Art was never to be made alone




May 21, 2018

This world we live in, only gets more impressive every year. Either it's something old getting an update or completely new ideas that will also need an update. With that said there has been a lot of talk about the new Macbook Pro range. The computer is an update to previous generations yet the hardware we found to be something “new”. The Thunderbolt 3 port being the biggest game changer and, also, biggest pain in your ass!  


You'd would think the appliance industry would be first to adapt, right? No, instead it was the computers that changed first not the accessory. Making the industry of "adaptors" the latest and greatest way to make bank. Even if it's something that you can get made in china for one fifth of the price. Provided your product has Thunderbolt 3 capability, you could have a big mark up on an adaptor made cheap.

Now let’s say you did and turned a blind eye to the price, how does this affect us? Well say you want to connect your controller, drum machine, audio interface. I mean shit if you want to charge your phone you are going to need to buy a dock! A dock that can do all that otherwise you latest and greatest computer is now rendered, to a degree, useless.

From early 2011 15inch Macbook Pro to a 2017 13inch Macbook Pro is definitely a big change in the amount of ports. I couldn’t help but wonder about the 7 years that have past and how the technology has or should have improved since. I couldn't stop asking the question “Has the processor improved enough to manage the same amount of data through one port?”. Well after some research to such a specific question the conclusion is, yes. Even though it’s half the size, both in looks, hardware with only four of the same port. The 2017 Macbook is very capable of outperforming the old 2011.


I’m sure everyone is thinking that the answer was obvious. I'v only found someone who was asking the same question. I could have provided some links to sites that have the same answer but 7 years is a long time. More than enough time for any piece of technology to be, not bigger, but definitely better. So if you are looking to get an upgrade from anything older than 2015 it will likely be better. You could guarantee that it will be better than the piece of crap that is holding you back from getting the job done.



Rhys Jones