Art was never to be made alone




April 6, 2018

Which comes first? Is there method to our madness? I don't know about you but this is something I think about before every new project; do I start with the composition first or the recording. By that I mean - do I start with writing the lyrics, work on the progression then get to the melody or do I work backwards from that start with a melody and finish with lyrics… is there a right way? Is one way somehow better whether it maybe a quicker process, yield a better end product or does it not even matter. However note that whichever you choose that is what will get the most attention with the most effort put towards it.


Ok let's start with option A Composition. So you start a new project maybe a song, album, co-writing or producing for yourself or someone else. Whether you begin with a progression then lyrics or visa versa, the first thing you will find is most cases it will take you longer to write. Without that melody already there for you there's not preset direction, so instead of a day it could take you a week to write just one song. The good thing about this is that you can write with a open mind, influenced by anyone or anything. This alone is able to create a more meaningful story, with your attention set on writing you can give the song a greater purpose therefor a wider audience. Be careful though, because this you could consider a risk especially if you have more of a niche audience.


Now option B Recording. You are in the shower and you start humming something, thinking it's someone else's song when you eventually realise you just made a new melody. You then find a progression shortly finding out the melody and what key is should be in, now you’ve gotten the ball rolling. You throw to get there something with a bit of structure (maybe just A-B on a loop) and you sit down to write. I have found that this process quite fulfilling, because i turned a hum into a rough song in a matter of a day. The lyrics will (or should) come quite easy since they have direction, only they lack purpose, meaning or any form of a story. They could be the catchiest hooks you’ve ever made, but the word are arbitrary… and just like that you have your have average dance track!

Let me explain: you have a book it’s either empty or filled with words. Now you can either utilise every page to create a new world for someone or you can write the 1st, 50th and 100th page and rip out the rest to create a quick sense of fulfillment but a song that you will probably get sick of sooner or later.

End of the day people will say that it is up to you how you function best being more of a producer or songwriter. I say bullshit, I say do both because at the “end of the day” if you want to be ahead of the game you should proficient at both and learn to work outside your comfort zone. The perfect day for you might be that you do come up with that melody in the shower but not every lyric or story will match that melody and vis a versa. In the grand scheme of things you could be missing out on great potential because of that. I mean understandable if you run solo but like I have always said to those that know me, music was never to be made alone.

Rhys Jones