Art was never to be made alone




March 9, 2018

Is themselves. Some know it and some don't but sooner or later we all come to the realisation; that we might be the only one holding ourselves back from delivering what could be considered an amazing product. The problem is that there are a lot of us that don't even share their music to begin with (myself being one) and if no one can hear it how can we expect anything in return.

Now this is might be confusing for some just because some will say “well no actually, my greatest weakness is getting up on stage” and to that i say… man the fuck up. Joking… but in a way i do mean it, because you should be proud that you even made it to the stage! Some don't even get that far because they are to hard on selves questioning their skill, knowledge and/or product. This is really what i’m talking about, but before i get into the details know that you're not building skyscrapers and you're not conducting surgery you’re making music! Making something that didn't exist before come to the world as we know it and there is no one way of going about it.

Progress over perfection. There's no point in make something great and have nothing to compare it to, for yourself and your followers. Not only that, a popular quote by Gary Vaynerchuk “document over create” I see to be just a another version of “it’s the journey not the destination” (whoever said that); both say to embrace that journey and/or document it because it’s your progress and at the end of the day that's worth the same if not more than the end product. No one woke up perfect so don't act like you did there's no respect in that.

You feel me? Talk to any developed artist and they will say that their old music is horrible but it was probably better than the next artist because they had something that said “at least I'm trying”. So next time you reach 80% on any given project or job, move on or release it because to you it might see improvement needed but very few people will know the difference between 80% and 100%.

Rhys Jones