Art was never to be made alone




29 January, 2020

It feels like you’ve run out of a luck, stuck in the mud or quick squick sand even. All was going so well until you started to feel the pressure to create something fresh, new and interesting. Writers block commonly know to be the anxiety attack of all good writers, but that is something worth reminding yourself about - you’re not the only one. I just had it actually until I had the brilliant idea of writing about it… I know f**king genius.


Something i’ve always liked about writing is that it’s flawlessly functional, pen and paper that’s it. Nothing else is required! Just you and a world of topics that you’ve just been killing to slap your opinion on. With that being said it’s honestly what I find to be the be the biggest problem.

Theres no set up, no warm up, cant stretch before you start pounding some pages it’s just the time it takes for you to pick ups that pen and then it’s GO time. Everything you’ve thought, felt, smelt, touched or held comes rushing back fighting for a place on your blank canvas eager to be materialised by the flick of your wrist.

Now I know i’m typing right now but I starting this with a pen, and I’d definitely suggest going old school to beat writer’s block because it will help that cognitive connection in your big o’l noggin to complete that simple functionality of writing.

If that doesn’t work then give up…

No i’m kidding, but as im sure you’ve heard many times before it’s easier to write when you’re already writing. Look around find something that pisses you off an focus on it, everyone loves going on a rant so do that! Not to say you should publish you anger issues for everyone to read but you just might lean into something fresh, new and interesting that could be worth sharing.

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