Art was never to be made alone


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Inspired By...

10 December, 2019

Inspiration looks a lot like cookies in the oven on a Sunday, watching the sunset from home or it’s the feeling that you’re alone in the best way, whatever it is we crave it everyday. Only finding inspiration can be hard sometimes and we can sometimes just expect it smack us in the face, which doesn't help either. I find it often to be a matter of your perspective; because more inspiration it’s just one part of a forever ending cycle.     


And that cycle is Inspiration -> motivation -> action and back again. Now I recently learned this and it was eye opening, so much so I rewrote this entire blog because of this realization. I thought it was a matter of looking for inspiration in different parts of life but sometimes there is no inspiration and there’s only motivation or more importantly action. Taking those two and pushing forward will then demonstrate how you can be inspired by… you. Just imagine looking in the mirror to find an endless source of inspiration. Sounds good huh or maybe you’re unsure? If so think about how much better that mirror is going to look with a self motivated, hard working badass looking back at you.

Now I know that I can't convince you of this because like most things that are personal development topics, it’s all so much easier said than done BUT doesn't mean you shouldn't try! Because tell me have you ever felt unmotivated after going for a run or exercising? Playing a gig? Collaborating on new ideas Or just practicing something that you consider a large part of your life? After you contribute to something you’ve been wanting to do, no matter how much progress you make I can bet that you automatically feel at least a little bit accomplished and therefore motivated to do it again.

If you’re still wondering how inspiration comes from this, think of it in pairs; 

Inspiration + motivation = action (i'm sure you’re familiar with that one)

Action + inspiration = motivation 

Motivation + action = inspiration

Now that’s not to water down feelings into a simple math equation but how that inspiration will come depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. Inspiration or motivation are now so widely accessible thanks to the internet. If anything it’s nulled those feelings because YOU are no longer the reason for being pushed by those emotions. However there is still one thing that the internet can’t give you, and that’s action. There’s no photo of your dream car, no quote from Gary Vee or song by Drake that can actually make you do anything, the first step is still yours to take.

Rhys Jones1 Comment