Art was never to be made alone


Finding Your Tribe

15 July, 2019


There is a strange part of life growing up where you move on from your years of study and the people you’ve been involved with for so long. It’s exciting no doubt, but you quickly realise just how many of those people where your actual friends. Not only that maybe for the first time you start to think about what it actually means for someone to be your friend. Because everyone is funny, fun, and fuck-withable but are they on the same page as you? Would you say they’re part of your tribe or even call them family?

See those people you spent all your time with at highschool, college or university you literally had no choice to spend time with them. So ultimately you find yourself looking for things to relate to because if you’re going to sit in a room with this person or hell, even work with them then you’re going to try pretty hard to like them. But out in the big bad world it’s not quite the same, sure same planet but if you don’t like someone... you can just, walk away. Don’t get me wrong some real friends can be found in your years of study, the hardest part is just picking them out of a whole room of people all interested in the same thing as you. But to shed some light on this i want to tell you how i found my friends, my fam, my tribe.

I found them through work and it wasn't the job that connected us, it was the different reasons that motivated us to work. Sure, you might never of met the people you work with if you didn’t at least work in the same industry but that similar interest it isn’t really enough for you to hangout with them outside of work. My friends actually have pretty different interests compared to what i like to do with my time but it’s the reason why they choose do it in the first place that i found kinship with them. Each of them have their own story, heart ache, goals and achievements and i believe one's work ethic is a good reflection of those nuances. I respect these people not just because of where they’ve come from but where they want to go, and i think… they respect me for the same reasons... I think.

The people closest to you in your life will respect you for who you are, what you do and who you want to be. So If you want to find the people that you connect with then my honest advice would be to; Focus on what matters to you, be yourself and never lose sight of your goals. Because sooner or later you’ll see someone with the same focus or they notice you, either way you’ll have respect for each other which you’ll find is a far greater bond than just a “friend”. The people in your tribe are the people that respect your truth. 

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